I also picked up a couple of these journals and gave one to my Mom and the other to my Dad. I've been eying them for years- since I lived in Edmonton before I went to Korea, actually. Now I finally got around to buying them and I asked them both to fill them out and give them to me at Christmas time. I am really looking forward to their answers! I think it's a neat idea, even if some of the questions don't totally fit. I suppose if someone was really motivated they could create their own books with their own questions. I have a terrible memory (hence why I blog so much) so I think these journals will be a really special gift that I can keep forever. Have you seen anything pretty or inspirational today?
I love that it's a gift... that turns out to be for yourself!!!! ;)
Those journals are so cool!
Inspiration today? Well, I was sanding down the paint on my chair, and I was inspired by the idea of stripping down the layers of paint to reveal the bare wood beneath.
Those journals are such a neat idea! I've never seen any like that before...
I totally geek out whenever I'm in cool stationary stores. I think it must be a throw back to my days of pen-palling ;)
Yeah, I can't wait to get them back. I hope they take the time to fill them out.
I admire you KB for your furniture restoration. I don't really see myself being that ambitious!
I think the pen-palling also helped develop my stationary obsession, Simone. Haha!
I am jealous.. I wish I had found them first and gave them to Mom and Dad... darn they will never fill out two sets of those books!!
Amber, the courage quote is my new favorite quote!!! One day when I have a classroom, I will put that quote up!!
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