It turns out that I'm in good company for hating this show. Apparently the creators of the Simpsons and South Park also hate it. I can tolerate those shows but they aren't my first choice when I'm watching TV.
I think what it boils down to is that I'm not really crazy about TV. I just got out of the habit of watching it when I lived in Korea. I will watch it but I am usually not the person who turned it on. It just seems like a lot of noise to me. I like watching game shows, reality shows (Amazing Race, Biggest Loser, So You Think You Can Dance mostly), Friends, Lost... But I don't really follow any closely and I'm not sad if I miss them. I guess this is a good way to be although it usually means I just spend more time surfing the internet.
Anyway, I just had to let it out. I hate this show. It goes beyond irritating me and I now have started to refuse to watch it. Even hearing the theme music makes my skin crawl! Open your eyes people! This is a substandard excuse for entertainment. You can do better!
Hey Amber, I am with you, I have seen some really stupid shows in my life but I will not even waste my time with Family Guy, what a joke.
Find some good to watch on TV.
The South Park people hate Family Guy? That is surprising because isn't South Park exactly the same???
I don't like t.v. either.... so much better stuff you can do!
I like Stewie and Brian. The show doesn't feature them enough.
I like Family Guy! I think its subversive counter-culture jokes and its random barrage of gags loosely strung together are innovative and fresh. Open your mind Amber!
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