Monday, June 15, 2009

Food Perfection

My favorite part of the weekend was dessert! My Mom made my favorite: cherry cheesecake! It's so simple but so delicious and I haven't had it in a couple years since we've been away. Actually, Mom had planned on making it when we visited last time but had consulted Matt and not me. Keep in mind that Matt had already had his favorite dessert (pie) made for him. He told Mom that it was "unnecessary and that we should be watching what we're eating" (you know, while he's helping himself to his 5th piece of pie). I was so pissed when I found this out. This time I made sure that Mom was aware how necessary it is to make my favorite dessert. Don't worry, I shared with everyone.


Carter said...

How dare he! ;)

Stephie said...

Wow the cheesecake does look delicious... but you know what looks even more delicious?? THAT PICTURE OF ME!

ambearo said...

Good point Steph. You were really rocking out with that cheesecake.

Bybee said...

oooh cherry cheesecake!!! Looks wonderful.

Bad Matt...go to your room.

Matty said...

My room? But there's no cheesecake there!